Nicole Berezny - Family Interconnectedness and the Power of Subconscious Healing
In this thoughtful episode, Nicole Berezny discusses her integrative psychotherapy approach, incorporating hypnotherapy and family constellations to address subconscious aspects and promote overall well-being. The conversation explores the impact of family dynamics, the energetic qualities of houses, and the role of feedback in decision-making.
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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Nicole Berezny, who is the founder of Grow Wellness, which is a boutique psychotherapy and coaching practice focused on improving the emotional and behavioral aspects of life to achieve greater overall health and well-being each person.
::According to her, is a unique and natural design who exists to contribute to the greater landscape of humanity.
::The space where we join together is like the dirt there to nourish you from the roots up as you grow into light as your best self. Just love how that goes together. I took it right off of your website.
::Welcome to show, Nicole.
::Thank you for having me.
::So what? What do you do in a nutshell?
::Yes. Well, I'm a traditionally trained therapist, but as I was going along that journey, I found that there were some limitations. You know, it was helpful up until the point. And then I wanted to explore, you know, what other modalities are out there and working with the subconscious. I found to be like the most.
::Effective and the most fascinating. So yeah, the modalities that I do really, you know, focus on that and incorporate different elements of.
::Energy work as well.
::It's so powerful and just.
::Hypnotherapy I'm new to the new to the whole thing and as I've been doing it, it's just like you get amazing results so quickly and things that you don't even.
::It's does the whole subconscious, the way consciousness and does the dimensions work and manifesting and all of these things that you know, people kind of throw around, they're so powerful. It's just and they work with really.
::Relative ease, it's. It's astounding to me.
::Yeah. I mean there are always like surprises that can come up in sessions, like things you didn't think were related or you know, just emotions. You didn't know that you had. And there's a lot that lives underneath the surface.
::So when you're working with people, do you work on with them on one-on-one, on groups, in person online, how does?
::All that work.
::Yeah, I switched to all virtual and I work with individuals primarily. The only exception is live.
::Workshops, which I sometimes do in person for family constellations, which is a different modality that I use, but for the hypnotherapy and the site K and as well as the family constellations. If you wanted A1 on one session, we do that.
::So tell me about the family constellations. I've never heard of that and I have actually heard a psych cave before, so we'll.
::Talk about that.
::Yeah. Well, I was going to say it like sometimes, you know, these aren't, like, super popular. But, you know, it's it doesn't mean they're any less effective, but family constellation is.
::Kind of looking at the family soul, as you know, we always.
::Think of us.
::As individuals or like our higher self and it's kind of just very narrowly focused family constellations comes from this idea that everything is interconnected, including our ancestors.
::Like our lineage. And so, you know, your life cannot really be separated from the lives that came before you. So if there is.
::Some imbalance in the family soul. It's going to affect what's happening in your life on a personal level. So it's exploring those hidden dynamics in the family system as it relates to whatever problem you're trying to work on in that session.
::You handle this information.
::Or is it?
::Is there like some procedure? Is it more procedural?
::I would say it's experiential. So it's not like channeling or anything like that, but it is using what we call the field.
::And so when it's done in a group setting, which is traditional, you would pick people to represent certain members of your family. So I may be like, OK, like Susan, can you be my mom or like, you know, Robert, can you be my dad and the field when you step into the representation?
::Will give sensations to that person, so the person maybe like you know, I don't want to look at you or I'm feeling angry or I feel disconnected and.
::What is unraveling and in the fields right? Like the constellation itself, is the dynamics that are contributing to that issue. So let's say you came in and you were like, I want to know why I'm having a hard time finding a life partner or whatever. You can see what dynamics in the family.
::Is related to that problem.
::Interesting and it goes on the idea that we pick our families and.
::No, it's more based on the idea that.
::What your parents went through, what your grandparents went through has a direct effect on what your life can look like because you take them with you wherever you go. Even if we want to, like, separate, you know, we're like, we don't like this family member or whatever it it's based on the premise that.
::No matter how atrocious a person was.
::They still have belonging, and so the more we try to exile a family member rejects a family member, we're rejecting a piece of ourselves. And so, you know, we don't have to accept the behavior, but we do have to acknowledge, you know, what lives within us and what happened before.
::Us and how that has an impact on us today.
::Yeah. And as it went down the line, how it got to you because nothing exists in a vacuum.
::Yeah. And the coolest part I think about this modality is that you may have a narrative in your mind. Well, I know that because my grandfather did this. This is why.
::I'm like this.
::But that's all irrelevant, because you're just sitting as the observer. You're not actually an active participant in this session, and so you're observing.
::What the representatives are getting, you know as they're representing and it could be something very different from.
::What? You know your preconceived notion was.
::And a lot of times, those preconceived notions start when we're really pretty young. I don't have a framework for actually.
::Analyzing what was happening and our memories of them are based on.
::Taking that information in.
::Not having any way to relate it properly and then we carry it with us. So in effect we're misremembering it.
::Because if you ask the other people that were involved in this situation, they're going to have a different perspective of it. If they even remember it, which most likely they don't because it happened to you.
::So long ago.
::Yeah, yeah. And you know.
::I think this modality, it, it's kind of cool because it can also work with things that aren't necessarily just like transgenerational trauma. So people will do constellations on like, you know.
::A house that they're trying to purchase and that they're having a tough deal go through because again, it's about like the system. So when someone's representing the house and I know it sounds a little silly, but when someone's representing the house, the House may be like I'm still attached to my previous owner. And so you eventually.
::On the constellation kind of.
::Invite what we call healing movements and.
::I do think some facilitators that I've seen in the past, you know, they're so eager to bring a resolution, you know, to the session. But I really try when I'm working to let the healing movement happen. If the representative feels it's true for them. And sometimes you don't.
::Always have a resolution because it's just not, you know, the person's not ready.
::Or the person they're representing is not ready, or it's not the right time. It doesn't mean it won't happen, but I do think that keeping sort of the integrity of the field is very important.
::That's interesting. When you talk about houses. I was a realtor in my other.
::Life and one of my other lives and like.
::In this incarnation.
::We live lots of different lives.
::If you'll live long enough.
::Anyway, I like to go into houses and I often I've bought a lot of houses over my lifetime like 10.
::Oh wow.
::There's a feeling.
::You can get when you walk.
::Into a house.
::And it's interesting. And so when you're talking about a house not really ready to let go, I know.
::What that feels like.
::And I know what it feels like.
::When a house.
::Is like brand new and it's full of potential.
::Versus a really, really old.
::House that has a lot of history and.
::Stuff happened there.
::And they all feel different.
::And you have different experiences in them.
::Yeah. Mm-hmm. I really love that. I didn't know that about you.
::Yeah, because it it's true each, you know.
::Energy has, you know, a pass to it, so you know it. It really carries that with them too, even though it's inanimate, seemingly right. You know, it does have a lot of.
::You know.
::In like events that have influenced it, like how it feels today, you know whether that's like the people who newly constructed it or the people who lived in it for decades, whatever it might be.
::I've also lived in houses that friends have lived in before I moved in. I have this one group of friends and I actually it's a family. We bought their house in Colorado and then we all moved to Idaho.
::That's another long, drawn out story, but.
::Then they were renting this house.
::And we and then they bought another house and we ended up renting the house after them.
::And there's always this.
::This yummy energy that after they live someplace it's I love living in houses.
::After my husband got to a point.
::It's like we're.
::Only going to buy houses they've.
::Lived there before.
::Oh, my God. You sound like they have really.
::Good energy.
::They have great energy. I I've always loved, loved the energy of the whole family. Have lots of kids and they're.
::Just really neat people.
::But yeah.
::Houses have energy, jobs have energy. When you go on interviews or even if you're thinking about like starting a new adventure in terms of becoming an entrepreneur or coaching practice or.
::Those all have energy attached to them too.
::And then.
::Yeah, they've definitely done constellations where you step in as the business and the business may say.
::I want this or I want to do this or I want this rate you know for a service where you may have, you know on a personal level something else in mind, you know, that may feel uncomfortable. It's too high or too low, whatever it may be.
::Yeah, yeah, yeah. And being able to kind of detach yourself a little bit from it to have the experience of letting the business tell you what it wants, I think that's a really interesting.
::Yeah, that's why I love it.
::Wow, OK, so my mind's like wandering on.
::You had to try that zone.
::So tell us about UM.
::I know it starts with the K pack.
::Site kick. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So site. Hey, I was drawn to because it was almost.
::In my opinion, like a little bit more mechanical, I think I had come from a place where healing was always like deep and intense or like, you know, there's just like a lot of.
::Emotion sort of tied to it. And this was kind of like.
::No, it can actually be like lighter. It can be easier. It could just be like retuning and so how it works is it uses muscle testing, so your body is kind of just telling you yes or no about certain things and then you.
::Sit in different postures that kind of facilitate what we would call like a rebalancing between your subconscious mind and your conscious mind, because you might be thinking like yes, I am ready to like, you know, lose weight and your body is like no, I'm not ready to do that.
::Not ready to let go for whatever reason. And you know, I think hypnotherapy is a great way to explore the why.
::Of that perhaps.
::Right, like understanding the insight behind it.
::But the.
::Site K is kind of just saying, OK, let's see if we can get the body on board so it feels safer and there's a match between what you're saying you want in your conscious mind and what your subconscious mind, again, like outside of your awareness is maybe saying no to.
::UM. And so I thought, you know, it was a very.
::Sort of like.
::Good supplemental modality in terms of helping people stay on track, you know, with a lot of the habits that they might be trying to form as they make a change, you know it's not always easy to pick the healthy food or you know whatever it may be and so.
::We I think Psyche is a is a great.
::Like maintenance modality.
::And learning the skill of muscle testing on your cell is.
::Life changing because you really can communicate with your body in a way that I know it's only yes, no questions, but.
::It gives you feedback.
::When where a lot of.
::Times we don't.
::In the day-to-day world, think that you know your body could talk to you.
::Yeah, yeah.
::Your body.
::Stores deaths.
::In different organs too, and you can find.
::Information out about that by asking specific questions I've never heard of the body.
::I have. I haven't experienced it though I would.
::Love to try it?
::It's pretty interesting. I actually had somebody locally do it.
::For me, and I've watched them do it on a couple other people, some friends of mine, and it's really interesting how effective it is and how much clarity you can get around different.
::Aspects and whether they believe it or not, does it make any difference because they were both really sceptical and so they?
::But it it's been long enough ago that I can look at the result. One of them was my husband, so I can look at the results of what was discovered in the body code and also we were far enough removed from it that I can and we've.
::Involve, you know, medical doctors and some other things in there and.
::Diet changes because of.
::The information that we got in the.
::Body code part.
::And the then the results further down the line by making adjustments because of the information gotten there versus the information gotten from.
::Medical doctors that really don't really give.
::You any information but.
::I said, yeah, you're preaching to the choir. I totally understand. Yeah. Yeah.
::Let me give you some pills.
::To mask the symptoms for something that you know is your body's response to something you know you don't have disease in your body for random reasons.
::It's trying to do something.
::You need to make a change somewhere.
::Along the line, other than adding something to the problem.
::Which is just my opinion but.
::No, I totally agree. And I think the muscle testing.
::Like helps you build trust with your body. I think often we like ignore it. We or we just like fight with it.
::You know we.
::You know, we kind of maybe afraid of what it's telling us, too. And so, you know, especially for people who are, like, really indecisive.
::Like, oh, do I want like.
::You know the veggie pizza or the salmon? You know, sometimes you can just experiment in a playful way. Like, OK, what is your body?
::Feeling today? What does it mean today? Yeah.
::Yeah. And you know.
::Sometimes you're just going to ignore it.
::And that's OK, that's a learning experience, yeah.
::But it it's often good to try to check back in later.
::And see if that was.
::That was a good move. Or not?
::Sometimes we'll find that it really wasn't the best course of action.
::Oh, totally. And you know, speaking from personal experience.
::Like you know, I've went to study a lot of these modalities because I needed them like myself, right. And so it takes me sometimes, like making the wrong decision a few times to really learn.
::Right. OK. Like.
::That's now off the table. You know, in a more grounded.
::Kind of secure way.
::And getting this feedback from ourselves and from the energy around us allows us to experience different things.
::Differently in in that.
::Maybe you were making a certain kind of decision for a long period of time, and you're starting to get some feedback about that decision or those.
::Thought patterns or other things that kind.
::Of come up.
::In your life, repeatedly and if you get some feedback on that, whether it's, you know, muscle testing with site, OK or the constellation.
::The Family Constellation Act activity. Then you're.
::You're allowing your body and your intellect to both get feedback, and then you can take that information and.
::Use it as data more than.
::I must to do this.
::Because your body, you know as you.
::Said earlier, it might not be ready to.
::Do it just yet, but if it sits with this feedback for a while and try some smaller steps.
::To incorporate.
::That feeling into how you are trying to be aligned then.
::Then you'll find you're making progress towards.
::The ultimate goal that you're seeking, which is, you know, relief from whatever pain you're suffering from.
::Yeah. No, that's an excellent point because like as much as we are spiritual beings, we're also animals, you know, to some degree. And like, we do have to titrate our nervous system. And so a lot of times, these modalities are just meant to help us.
::Expands you know little by little, our perspective or our physical experience, like how we might feel peace at the end of this session or clarity or what you know.
::Fill in the blank, but yeah, that titration is really important. It's not just all going to happen overnight in one big you know.
::Like magic Wand kind of situation, I mean that does sometimes happen, but I would say most of the time it's actually quite gradual.
::Most things in life are really subtle, but you know, just like a drop of water, we'll wear it, wear away a rock.
::Our life is like that. It's just the constant dripping of whatever it was. And if you change it, it will.
::The shape of whatever it is that you're.
::You're trying to change it.
::Time exists but doesn't.
::And change.
::Happens slowly but quickly.
::Yeah, yeah.
::Move along in that way. So.
::Let's talk about hypnotherapy, shall.
::We. OK. OK. So what is hypno?
::Therapy, won't you?
::Letter was listed.
::Well, yeah, I think there are a few different kinds. The kind I studied is called heart centered hypnotherapy. It was developed in probably around the 60s or 70s by a couple who were therapists, and they incorporated a lot of.
::Different spiritual elements to this modality, both borrowing from like the Indian tradition and the shamanic tradition. So, but what a typical session looks like is you would go through the induction, which is sort of the relaxing part.
::And a big.
::Myth is that you know people will lose. You know, their consciousness, their awareness.
::That's not the case, and the and the type that I do. You're actually interactive throughout the process. So you're speaking you are aware of your body, it I would describe it as just like a medium meditative state. And then there are what we call regressions.
::And regressions can sometimes stay in the present, depending on how protected a person feels at the time, but you can also go back to childhood experiences, prenatal experiences, past life experiences.
::And we're kind of just following a thread in this session, right to kind of see, OK, how is the issue you came in with related to these things that happened before and then the resolution of that might be?
::You know inner child work. It might be a soul retrieval. It might be gathering like.
::Energetic resources or internal resources within yourself, and that's sort of where the rewiring comes in, right where we're strengthening a new neural pathway in the session. And then you just you slowly come out of the.
::The trans state, and that's sort of the arc of a session, but you're really allowing again like the body to speak for itself in.
::What is connected to? Maybe some of the distress that you're having and you know people go in for lots of things. Sometimes they just want to explore and it's sort of like an open-ended session and other times it's very targeted. It might be OK. I want to understand, like, you know how.
::You know my.
::While I have early onset, you know, arthritis or chronic fatigue, it could be a health issue. It could be.
::You know things like I have a hard time speaking up in meetings, you know, but it can really be a wide range of presenting issues.
::Yeah, it's, it's interesting how they all kind of meld together to, to.
::To help an individual.
::Really work through an issue in their life or a bunch of issues or help them figure out you know if they're feeling stuck because sometimes we just get to that point where we feel like everything in life is moving through 6 feet of mud and you just can't get out of your own way to save your life.
::When you're in those.
::Kinds of situations. It's really helpful to have a coach who can.
::Kind of help peel back some of the some of the things that are causing this.
::This lack of really it's a lack of energy flow. You just like you're, you're sitting in in one spot and your vibration is getting slower and slower and.
::When you start vibrating all together, you die.
::So it's it sounds.
::Very, you know, dramatic when I say.
::It like that.
::But it is really how people end up dying is because they're losing. They lose, they lose the vibration that keeps us really going. And when you connect with a coach who.
::Like you that can help people like.
::Figure some of these issues out. Then it can allow the vibration to happen much.
::More freely in your body.
::Yeah. Yes, that's a beautiful way of putting it.
::So how do people get?
::In touch with.
::You if they.
::Like to explore working with you and.
::What you're doing?
::Yeah, well, they can go to my website, which is Nicole and fill out the contact form and I'll get right back to you and we can set something up.
::That's perfect. And what's the one thing you want to leave the audience with today? What do you hope they.
::Take away from the conversation.
::Well, I would love them to know there's just like a world of opportunity for them out there if they are feeling stuck or feel like they need an extra hand and you know.
::Some things will resonate with you and others won't, so I just really want people to know that.
::These three modalities I'm particularly passionate about are a stepping stone. You know, if someone just wants.
::A little more slow like you were mentioning in their life.
::Perfect. Thank you so much for joining me today.
::It's been great, Nicole.
::Ah, thank you. I've enjoyed it.