Jan Jorgensen -Spiritual Awaken - Queens Caravan - Empowerment Circles - Speaking Her Truth
Join us today as we chat with Jan Jorgensen. Buckle up my friends as we wander into the woo. Jan shares how she started out the wife of a professional and left to become her authentic self.
As a Nurse, Healer, Minister, Jan has developed innovative processes for the Spiritually Awakening woman to understand her profound creative abilities to change her reality, with a focus on releasing the fear of speaking her Truth.
Recording Artist, Author, Tour leader, she launched the “Queens Caravan Spiritual Tour” to lead empowerment circles nationwide. She offers a free meditation every Wednesday morning at 9pst.
IWednesday morning at 9pst.
What are the links you wish to share:
Free voice booklet https://tinyurl.com/VoiceOK
Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvT8k5JPjgJXIXK1MMtPioQ
Website: https://www.soundandlighthealingarts.com what Jan Jorgensen is up to. Buckle up as we wander into the more woo side of holistic coaching.
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Hi and welcome to.
::The You world order showcase program.
::Today we're talking to Jan.
::Welcome Jan Jorgensen and she has.
::Been a nurse, healer and minister developed an innovative process for spiritually awakening women to understand their profound creative abilities.
::To change her reality with a focus on realizing the fear of speaking her truth.
::Recording artist, author, tour leader, she launched The Queen's Caravan spiritual tour to lead empowerment circles nationwide.
::She offers a free meditation every Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM Pacific Standard Time.
::And we're happy to welcome her to our show today.
::Before we got rolling here, Jen was telling me about her caravan camper in the background, which is now.
::Well, women, women are totally on the go now.
::So tell us about it.
::I mean, they're getting out there.
::They're not staying in the kitchen anymore.
::So I had this idea that my work, my visionary work, working with women to help them find their voice.
::That I should go on tours.
::There's a back story to that.
::I moved to the Pacific Northwest and I felt that I was becoming weaker and my health was failing.
::And it turns out I it's our property.
::We're on the water, there's trees.
::It's mycotoxins and a lot of people get that when they move so wet.
::So some through amazing coincide.
::And says I said, well, I'm going to go on tours and I am going to take my work out into the world and sit with women.
::So the Queen's caravan spiritual Walkabout tour, doing my work off campus was launched last year in August and I just finished tour #3.
::So as I went on tour number one and two, I noticed the greatest expenditure and I was seeing, you know, how's the money going when we start something new was staying in cheap hotels, which weren't really nice.
::So I had this idea.
::I've always had this romantic idea.
::If I could get a gypsy vardo wagon.
::Yes, like the kind in friend said.
::Saint Marie Delamare.
::All the gypsies come in with the music and.
::So I had it in my head and I began to design it well.
::About six months later, I photoshopped it and everything, and I looked everywhere.
::Six months later, this artisan Maine he's located in Maine, his name is John Kazanecki.
::Put out on the Internet, I'm making this little tiny 5 foot by 8 foot vardo and I'm not sure who it's for and I'm going to let them finish the inside.
::My whole body lit up and you know that's how it is on our spiritual path.
::So I said hold it for me.
::Hold it while I figure out, you know.
::Funding and different things. So as you were interviewing me, I just returned from Queens Caravan spiritual walk about tour. I finally got it rolled up my tongue tour #3 and I went from the Pacific Northwest.
::Over to Maine, sitting and doing the circles and doing my work with women.
::And I went to Maine and I picked up my wagon and I slept in it and KO A campground.
::And I just want to announce to the world there's a place called Harvest Toast on the Internet.
::For $149 a year, I stayed at fancy golf courses. I stayed at farms where they made doughnuts in the morning and community. I had a ball, which?
::More greatly enhanced my ability to be in community and to teach and share what I do.
::Anyway, that's an introduction for who I am.
::That is so special.
::And now you've got it all fixed up and you were telling me you were going to change the picture out because it looks totally different now.
::Us about that.
::Well, you know, I had this idea in my mind that I wanted it to appeal to women.
::So just to.
::You know, kind of a red background wasn't enough, so I collected things.
::Oh, I collected gold, wooden wings and beautiful candles.
::And things and.
::And so because John used to be a metal worker, I went to Maine and I stayed at his home for three days.
::We became great friends and I go.
::To talk to lobster fishermen in the morning and have lobster rolls.
::And I love diving into cultures.
::That's part of my work.
::The vibration of different cultures and how can I bring just some little nuance in to spring towards greater expanded awareness of what's coming, the changes in our needed rules?
::So I we laid everything out, was lightly raining and a big tarp, and I would meditate and I would say, well, where should this ancient little Candlestick holder go on the front and a mirror on the front and pretty.
::Soon it's just as I drove back through the United States.
::I went in a campground and I shut my little door.
::It's a Dutch door, by the way, of course, and I would say hello to people and I'd be tired talking to people about the vardo and I would hear moms with children saying, ohh, can we take a picture in front of it?
::It's a adorable Hobbit house, and so it has hanging glass votives to hold candles, not real candles, of course, because it's wood, but the elimination things.
::And so I have bells I have light.
::And it's just fabulous.
::There will be lots of painting.
::I am a painter, intentional creativity, painting teacher.
::But I think I'll be doing stenciling on some beautiful Florentine gold and the gold and the red, essentially Gypsy style.
::I just makes my heart sing.
::As I was telling you, I we built a camper out of wood for our flat bed trailer.
::But before that, I'd been looking at those little caravans and just I've fallen in love with them.
::I just like.
::They're just so girly, I know.
::Gypsies aren't girly, but.
::And I made it a single bed and I can cook.
::And I have a copper sink.
::And yes, if you want, when you when you post this podcast, if you have a chance to show pictures, it's just adorable.
::So when I need a little getaway on my property, it's.
::My sheep shed.
::We have met.
::In the attic today and I thought, well, I I asked him to be quiet, but I went and checked it.
::I it was just.
::It's parked a little bit underneath our trees.
::We live for an Olympian, a forest.
::And I couldn't get good. Would you call it exception? But I was going to do it in Nevada, which would be fun, but it's truly captured people's imaginations. And these days, as I was crossing across the United States, I sense a sense of.
::Despair in human hearts that they're not part of the party of being able to monetize their gifts, especially spiritually awakening people.
::They have a hard time.
::Navigating the next step for themselves and how to be OK in the world with the world, that doesn't even understand the spiritual awakening at all or their offerings.
::So those are the women that that I've been wanting to locate.
::And so I just.
::Throw the opportunity out and I was at my this is a good example.
::I was at my 50th high school reunion and a friend, someone I was respected and like, but she wasn't in my inner circle.
::You know, I've been following you on Facebook and I feel like you need to come to my community.
::So I did.
::It was a bit out of my way, but I'm glad I did.
::Gave me dinner, rendered in space, and here these twelve women came who are spiritually awakening, having intuitive new knowings but aren't quite sure again how it fits in their life, or what the wording.
::Is, so I keep the wording non religious and very simple and I just say, do you think you are part of the coming beneficial potential changes for Earth?
::Yes, they all are.
::They raise their hand and so the person that invites me, I notice that they have a strength of leadership in that community.
::So I begin a dialogue of supporting them and giving them the educational tools and coming to a free meditation.
::Whatever it is, I'm setting up little education programs to teach what I know how to set sacred space.
::How to therapeutically cathartic your feelings before you blow up how to talk to authorities into your intimate partners, and I specifically developed a scientific spiritual process called voice release.
::And that when a community is ready for that.
::We it's a very simple toning intentional process and I bring that in and people jump light years into their freedom within their body to be themselves to be author.
::So the third thing that I offer and do is just a simple sound bath with sound, because that like the painting, we don't have to talk about anything.
::We just go into that field of new potentials and they make an intention at the beginning of the painting.
::Event or the beginning of the sound event.
::They want to get rid of something.
::Shame, financial hardship.
::And then what do they want to replace it with?
::And I teach them your thoughts, guide everything and hold the vibration and everything follows suit, which I know you already know this.
::But that's what I'm doing on these doors as well as private sessions on zoom, and they actually said that marketing has no value for me because if somebody sees voice release or this or that, it's the other world.
::But once they feel the vibration of I need new information and they ask somehow I appear.
::They Google me, a friend will say, oh, she was just here and that's why I go out in these tours.
::For instance, I went to Richmond, VA and gave it to her because tour too.
::I went to with the fabulous, you know, sacred site tour.
::It was Mount Shasta, Sausalito and Sedona.
::So I met.
::Oh my God.
::It was so great.
::So I met a lovely woman in Sedona and she said, oh, well, if you ever come by Richmond, well, I was traveling across the United States, so I stopped and did an event at her sister's home.
::And her mom came, and the whole thing.
::Just began a family healing for the three and they said it was magic.
::What you brought to our family and what's interesting is it's been kind of a mystery to my own family what I do, why they're not ready.
::It's not a residence they can.
::See, but I asked my sister-in-law if she would like to.
::Come so there I was holding a sacred space doing voice release in this family lineage in the trauma and at the end.
::It was so cute, she says.
::I'm not sure how or what you did, she said.
::But it was profound.
::And everyone in that room was different when you were done.
::So that helped me not feel so outside the circle of normal normalcy and 3rd dimension.
::Now the which to be honest with.
::As light workers, we are tired of that feeling.
::I know I'm tired of it and I want to help dissipate some of the fear these communities that I go to help dissipate that fear that they're going to be different if they become authentic and speak up the.
::Feel the change in it.
::It's really in the last couple of years so intensified of people wanting to step into their power and into who they authentically are and they're making connections on a more personal.
::It's like we were locked up for a couple of years and now we just want connection, but we want real connection.
::We don't want to go to Walmarts and the big box stores.
::We want to go and buy local and we want a story behind the things that we are holding and.
::Putting bringing into our lives.
::We want meaning we want quality, we want to access people, places and things that are of a vibration that help us be to feel OK and increasingly it doesn't feel OK.
::People, places and things that aren't holding that.
:: to occur in the years of the: ::We know that there are many of us here that hold an internal compass to meet and have synchronicity in a certain timing, and you are correct.
::The divine plan got severely held up because those that were born and were to remember and initiate these changes got balled up.
::They got balled up with COVID.
::They got balled up with sickness.
::They got balled up and they refused to change.
::So our spiritual selves see everything is an open highway, but here on the earth.
::And I think the divine plan got jammed up because everybody underestimated humans reluctance to change because of fear.
::I don't know how many women I meet and they say, well, I'm having these visions.
::Am I going crazy?
::I said no.
::It's your time clock kicking in and you're in the right place.
::I met a woman in Maine who was referred to me because I was going through.
::Will you please talk to this woman who's having severe visions, interdimensional experience?
::Is all sorts of things, and because I've been doing this for quite a while and have studied with masters and taught, I don't have the sound of consciousness to now Globe recording with leading scientists sat on panels, so many trainings, nothing shocks me and we all have a different part and some of the.
::Hearts are completely out-of-the-box and there's no manual for people to feel like there's any grounding or normal normalcy to it.
::So I also I don't know who listens to your podcast and what level of development they are.
::From all over, I talked to everybody.
::Oh, good. Well, I'm going.
::To say something.
::Say something that's a little OK as part of the waking up waking up process, they get to a certain point you say, well, where am I from and what am I here for?
::And that's where I become like a waste station, a cheerleader, and I actually am an ambassador here to facilitate the Awakening, support, remembrance of their mission for light workers of a certain nature doing their work.
::It's a very organized.
::Plan so they recognize me.
::They're told by spirit.
::Unless they're worried she will.
::Right now she's here.
::So it's on, it's almost a need to know basis and it's just very powerfully happening.
::And when I meet someone, I don't tell them where they're.
::From, but I can take them into a space where they are not only very clear.
::And acknowledging through the very simple processes that I bring, and I've learned many of them from Caroline Corey and one really immense spiritual teacher.
::But from this place of ability to access different information through your consciousness, I teach very simple navigational tools.
::And to my surprise.
::Do you think there's different beings, different organizational systems, and different planetaries play Indians[ pleadiens ?
::Well, they all have languages.
::And to my surprise though, I have been a singer for 30 years and the vasovagal singer and learned to sing 5 octaves and can hear a note and rework things.
::To my surprise, when working one-on-one or a very advanced group, I actually became a communication circuit board.
::And could speak the language that that human being was originally from at their planetary source.
::I call it light language.
::So that's been a wonderful part.
::It's like a toolkit that I have.
::That goes unmentioned, you know, because you can't go around, you know, but at the right time and right place.
::Yesterday I did a session with the woman and she cried, she said.
::It was if my very own.
::Mother was saying, oh, now, come on, we're here and let's you know, let's get on with your life in the direction you're.
::Too, so I'm so happy that I can support light workers and getting more confidence and stepping out.
::And I'm so happy that I feel more safe and comfortable being who I'm meant to be.
::Through your views like this.
::Thank you, Jill.
::Well I am really.
::Glad that you can share this with us, it's.
::It's it's important work.
::It's interesting work and it's kind of inspiring that you.
::Following your passion though, I'm not so sure that your passion.
::Didn't choose you.
::For a specific reason.
::You're absolutely right.
::You're right on that.
::I remember I was at my 50th birthday party.
::I was married to an orthodontist.
::And they had a comedian.
::Comedy was joking about how much chocolate I eat.
::That's the food of ate food.
::And I gave my daughter $300.00 and said go buy cakes. I mean, I felt like a Princess with no purpose or queen.
::And she brought all these cakes.
::And I remember thinking, is that all there is?
::Is that all there is?
::So I started looking and I started paying attention.
::What is next for me?
::I had been a professional singer.
::In Las Vegas my whole life, I always had severe anxiety and that's why I did the voice release.
::But I also had been a nurse.
::So someone said, well, why don't you sing at the bedside?
::And I said, oh, yeah, so I went to Hospice.
::And for six years.
::I listened for the note because I had studied all that vocal stuff and had this ability.
::I listened for the note and ask that body what they needed and I would use my voice.
::And I have a liar.
::And I would feel the feeling state was I wasn't nervous.
::I was in complete service and something unzipped and opened up that I was still in my human body.
::But this state of grace and I said I don't know what that is, but I want to figure that out.
::And I want to feel that way all the time.
::I actually had to step out of my marriage because I was so busy being a socialite and wine tastings.
::You know, you just.
::I just couldn't do both.
::So I stepped into figuring out vibrations, intentional consciousness and.
::I said this, is there a moment if I can support a human with releasing fear of dying?
::What is a greater fear humans have than dying?
::Speaking public speaking.
::And so I began working and feeling other people at the same problem I had with males, with authority at a lot of narcissistic male energy, where even if I knew how to speak up.
::So I actually chose all my life experiences.
::To create voice release, which to me I'm doing my pH.
::D on it, which Oh my God, someone said today.
::Well, you'll be a doctor in two months.
::And I'm like, oh, me.
::I'm just so tickled that I took the energy to to put that together.
::Because it strengthens.
::The message the platform in my building to reach more women that need it.
::People are calling the woo with the science.
::It's there's so much science behind what people have said.
::It's just like, oh, that's just crazy stuff, you know?
::But more and.
::More, it's like no like.
::For example, meditation is one of those things.
::That all? Only those you.
::Know people that are like super spiritual or.
::Monks, they meditate that meditation has so many positive.
::The effects on your your whole body.
::On your happiness, on your ability to concentrate on your ability to learn, to take in information.
::Relate it, it helps you rewire your brain and there's it.
::It helps your body chemistry and there's, like, actual scientific evidence that proves this.
::It's not just some.
::Wooo thing that yes.
::And in our profit driven system, my Masters degree was in healthcare system delivery.
::Only groups like Kaiser that make money by not giving you services.
::Champion holistic practices, even Medicare?
::Because the lobbyists and the money.
::And now they're in hand with science.
::Science 70% of all biology experiments are non reproducible. They are claiming what they wish to perpetrate on humans for the next prophet. OK.
::Because of the medical industrial complex.
::That's it exactly.
::That that you.
::You put your finger on that.
::And so we all know that we know that there's a truth that is not honored and it's not part of their profit system and yet it's very important.
::David Hopkins wrote a book called Power versus Force.
:: to: ::And and one fear control.
::Horrific science only goes to the level of four now.
::Recently you cannot say that the quantum field theory is untrue.
::It's proven and how things affect each other quantum.
::Entanglement we have Bruce Lipton.
::We have Lynn McTaggert.
::We have all of these leading people who were fringe before, but now with leading scientists in Caroline Quarry recently made a movie, a few movies God among us.
::And she took it was very clever. How she did it. Ivy League leading scientists who were already doing the scientific work out-of-the-box and made them feel safe enough to make a movie about it.
::You can change.
::The pH of water, Reiki energy.
::OK, my friends and I, we experiment when two or more are gathered and we line up our consciousness, we can affect a measurable change.
::For instance, we said.
::Well, I said my grandson is coming, and there's such a heavy smoke cloud over Olympia and that's not going to work.
::So I ask and intend those are the magic words.
::Everything I teach, I ask and intend that the air clear to the green color just over Olympia for the time my grandsons here.
::I had my partner track it.
::And I called in, you know, another strong healer or navigator, a vibrational fields.
::And my partners eyes were popping out the first day it was red over Olympia.
::And then the next day, Orange, the next day, yellow.
::By day three, the day of his arrival, it was green just over Olympia.
::And then the day he was to leave halfway through the day, the smoke started coming back in.
::These things are true and valid, and the corporations that fund the research that is only 70% reproducible or two they don't want to give power to people who they can't profit from. However, our government.
::And different agencies.
::This will cite rife machines in different things that could have a great health effect and will target them as troublesome and bothersome, uncertified and send people in and get rid of them and threaten to not use them.
::But you know what?
::I don't need to.
::Think about that.
::Because my work is teaching people what they they're truly God-given skills of using discernment, their thinking and intentional consciousness to change their reality for healing.
::Circling up with other people, and as you said, there's a divine plan.
::The vibrational fields coming in available to us first were kind of little steps and now big chunks, so that you're either on board or not.
::Peoples Souls have decided.
::That's what the whole you world order thing is about. It's about people awakening and stepping into their power, and it's connecting one-on-one, but the one-on-one connections Ripple.
::You and I have this conversation, but this conversation goes out and it affects other people and other people hear the Messi.
::And then change happens.
::Yes, yes, like that.
::You are here and your community is here and you have allowed me to come in and to potentiates with my vibrational filled your community and all the people that this is me.
::This is my community, all the people I've interviewed and then they go Stan.
::Actually I developed this.
::The template for the new world.
::It's taking turns sharing and leading with their mastery.
::It's the exact opposite, of course, of Jeff Bezos.
::I owned so much of all the resources.
::That's why I call.
::It EU.
::It's instead of the new.
::World order because it's the you world order.
::It's focused on.
::You and how you are part of an interconnected and you as an individual are.
::Extremely important in the whole connection of.
::Of the everyone now of all the energy we all intermingle is null level.
::It's not going to happen.
::It's not going to happen unless it comes through us.
::We are creating the world.
::We want to see.
::I am a circuit board for the frequencies that allow things to light up.
::That that's my assignment through sound, even through my voice coming through you and I are our frequency fields are going together.
::We've expanded the envelope.
::It's like we're baking a cake for a new reality and we're adding new spices all the time.
::And when we get to a certain.
::I mean, all of this is harmonically orchestrated and that's why things got held.
::Up for a while.
::Because people's circuit boards that were supposed to be lit up and percolating and adding to the mix were pulled offline, and there are other outer planetary forces of skirmishes, and not all universal and galactic.
::Forces and agendas are the same, of course, but this divine plan.
::This fail proof we have been here.
::This team has been here.
::Maria, Atlantis, Egypt.
::And this time it's fail proof.
::It surrounds the planet in a multitude of ways.
::I mean, in Egypt they try to get the chamber with the lights and the new bigger vibration.
::And when Christ was here, his team, they took on the full dose of source.
::Himself and the disciples and.
::So this implantation of source energy on Earth is accomplished, and now we have to keep upping it and holding it.
::And that's why all these ascension systems symptoms, because we ourselves, here's another thing, and I forget this, the angelic realm or whoever you pray to.
::Can be anybody, archangels, divine masters?
::They are just sitting around waiting for us to ask them for information and help and support.
::And that's another thing I do is get those communication systems going because we can feel so isolated.
::And I I love this story I tell.
::I was in one of my Oh my God, am I done?
::Am I done?
::Am I done?
::I was camping and you know I just got in the divorce and I felt like, wow, I've done a lot of light work.
::Maybe I'm done.
::I said I'm so exhausted.
::So, to my surprise, careful what you ask for.
::My consciousness went and off I went and there I was, heaven delightful light beings.
::And there was such a sense of familiarity and comfort.
::I do know where I'm from now, but at that time I'm like, Oh my God, I died, I.
::Went to heaven.
::But these lovely voices said you're not done yet and you have your biggest work is ahead of you and you can't see it yet you're not ready because the divine plan will unfold for all of us, together comfortably.
::And you kind of the movie would kind of go like this if you went too far in the future.
::They said, but let's give you a reverberation and now we want you to go back in that tent and squeeze your thighs.
::And of course, we say no, I don't want to leave.
::And they said go back in the tent, squeeze your thighs, they said.
::Can you still hear us?
::I said yes.
::They said, are you still here with us?
::I said yes.
::They said now open your eyes.
::Open my eyes.
::They said now, can you still hear us?
::Are you still with us?
::And I said I don't get it.
::And they said, Jan only in your limited perception.
::Were you ever separate?
::That changed everything.
::If I have to go, we're all empaths listening to this.
::If I have to go talk to a group.
::Of entrepreneurial women, some of them barracudas, and teach them how to use their voice as a because their voices are calling card to the world.
::Do you want to keep tracking the same, or do you want to release stuff and attract new people?
::But I feel them thinking well.
::Who is she?
::What is this, blah blah blah.
::So before I begin thinking speaking, I squeeze my legs and I say I need.
::My big girl.
::Help I need for the bigger Jan to speak through.
::Who doesn't monitor their reaction, what they think of me?
::Because the message is more important than what they think of me.
::So I I'll do that.
::I'll squeeze my legs and I always wonder if anybody sees me.
::Probably not one of my techniques to overcome fear of speaking.
::Is to go straight to that.
::OK, what does this group need to hear that they might not quite be ready?
::When I first started this work, this guy, Peter said after my marriage, being a dental wife, he looked at me and laughed.
::Says you have no idea who you are or what your work's going to be. I said no, he said. You're going to be on stages or.
::Whatever and running energy.
::And there's going to be people in that audience who think this woman is nuts.
::But the ones who are ready to hear it, you have to say it full bore as it's given to you because they need that activation.
::That's spark plug and the others often will come up later and say, Oh my God, I finally got what you're saying.
::So I'm saying that to encourage anyone thinking.
::Well, I can't.
::Even tell my family what I'm into and it's how you say it.
::If you say it with No Fear, like, Oh my God, I'm exploring where I'm from in the universe, they can hear that rather than saying I found out I'm a played Hian and I don't really belong.
::Yeah, that doesn't.
::Go over very well.
::Mom and Dad are there and this person over here was my child in another life.
::So we have to be fair with where people are at.
::If we are light workers, languaging presence and so on.
::And sometimes just knowing when not to.
::Say anything at all.
::Is not necessary, just your vibration.
::So of being part of the Queen's caravan Spiritual Walkabout Tour and Harvest House, I ended up going to a church and sleeping overnight in their parking lot and the young minister and his wife took me in pictures. And I'm listening, one of the first things he says is.
::People who do.
::Yoga in new Age, people work with demons.
::He said that and I just sat there and said forgive him for he does not know yet.
::You want to do.
::It's not demons.
::It's just not Jesus.
::Everybody else is.
::It's not Jesus as a demon.
::So I had to breathe.
::And then my table mates I so connected.
::And with and, even though they were treating me like a beloved guest, he was speaking as if I was the other.
::So interesting. So I crossed the bridge and I made that vibrational connection. And who knows? He may hear me talking about this sometime and and give it some thought or I may speak to him sometime, but I allow people to have their beliefs because they most people's beliefs are hard boiled and I don't care what face.
::On the ladder that you need to talk to and hold on too tight to connect with source, that's your business.
::And everybody's entitled to want what they want and everybody's on a different journey and.
::That's kind of what makes the world interesting.
::Yeah, it's very interesting.
::More and more people are waking up to the opportunities that.
::Having an open mind allows you to have.
::Yes, I sat with a group of Mormon women leaders in the.
::Church and did some frequency and sound work and we had dialogues and I could feel the divine feminine emerging powerfully within these women within that container, finding their voice.
::And I tell women, it's not like we have to fight about things.
::Hold the vibration so strong and through physics we know.
::Lower vibrational fields will always recalibrate to the higher vibration, so I somehow have always kind of.
::I don't know all of us light workers have picked situations, relationships that need light, and so you know what I'm talking about.
::Hanging in there with patience and love because the miracles do happen.
::The pop throughs, the breakthroughs and those that are promised their souls want to go into the new higher vibrational paradigm.
::There will be a shift where the two shall never me.
::We want to be there for our loved ones who are struggling and are confused not to our own detriment.
::Of course we have to, you know, weigh things out.
::And a lot of women have come to me and said, I'm not sure if I'm going to go the distance with this partner.
::So I wrote a book, guys.
::Guide to the Divine feminine and it's for the partners of the Awakening women to give her some space and to acknowledge the changes she's going through.
::How profound and wonderful they are and to not.
::Not try to step in the middle of that woman and her spiritual connection, cause that's not going to work.
::You're at the oral Linda books.
::No, or Linda Ora Linda.
::That sounds very familiar.
::Tell me about that.
::It's a different origin story, and it was a a manuscript that was found in the.
::Bogs in Switzerland or Scandinavia, somewhere in there and translated and it's.
::The story is.
::Women in power versus.
::Matriarchal society rather than a patriarchal society and how.
::How history unfolded and it's there's a flood story in it and it's just an interesting perspective of.
::Of what happened rather than this one piece of hair that keeps going in my eye.
::Sounds like the chalice in the blade where it makes us realize the changing of the guard and how it occurred always said the pendulum swings all the way one way and the.
::The real severe matriarchy they marginalized.
::They were like queen bees and made the men just service them.
::So where's the quality in that?
::In fact, there's a movie that came out.
::I wish I could remember the name where that in fact happen.
::And in in real time in, in our, in our age right now and it made you stop and look to say either of the sexes dismissed or disrespected or not equal.
::And now we're swinging back to the middle.
::Swinging, but yeah.
::People can just be who their soul was designed to be and allow them to exist.
::Let's cover the one last thing that I really wanted to ask you and that.
::Is what is your.
::Number one struggle with getting your message out.
::Well, I would say #1.
::Is that he told me.
::I really don't need to mark it, but.
::Sometimes I get frustrated because I have these books, then I write about what I'm going to do and I hire people to go to pitch them to all the publishers and they always say, well, the public's not ready for this or it's not simple enough sound.
::I I feel like my work is complex and the this the society isn't ready for it.
::So that's why going a lot of podcasts, because you I just throw a big net and I think that's the way to do it through resonance.
::I'm I'm always taking marketing courses and different.
::But there isn't a golden integrity meter in me that I can't say.
::Early bird special.
::I can't do anything that cheapens the body of work.
::And I would love to be to a place I heard John Gray, you know, Venus and men.
::Men from Mars, women from.
::And he essentially summed up how the feeling state that I would like, as he said well.
::I have a body of work, he said.
::I don't market.
::People call me now.
::People do call me and when they do and we make that connection, it is huge.
::It is profound.
::There is great respect.
::But there's always this part of me of I haven't made it in a way that could ever really, truly, financially support what I want to do and be in.
::So that point has been disappointing and I keep my price points.
::Safe for light workers, for instance, 175 an hour for someone I don't know.
::88 for 45 minutes.
::And I think that people that really value me could find that for 45 minutes or 100 for an hour.
::But I know there's a lot of other people doing my work that will claim miracles, and though I've had substantial complete witness turnarounds and long term chronic illnesses and things, it's not within my.
::Realm to claim that I.
::Am a healer.
::Or that I'm going to fix anybody.
::Because I I have skills again to realign vibrations of a lot of things, but it must be so that people are empowered in connecting for themselves and helping them see the future is not how I see the future.
::My goal is to teach people to do what I do.
::How many people are ready for that?
::How can I articulate?
::That it's not everything in this society is.
::A quick nick.
::He's surprised the number of people.
::That are ready for that though.
::More and more.
::More and more, and they're looking actively looking for people to guide them.
::I mean, I have a coaching program I can work with the person for three.
::And as a follow up, I don't know when you're going to deliver this, but I have ongoing, I'll be offering classes for people to plug in and it's essentially saying learn to do what I do and for this summer, there will be 3 courses.
::It's affordable 150 for three courses, three Saturdays, and so all of this they can learn about by getting on my.
::E-mail newsletter list which is on the front page of my website which is.
::That web what's the website?
::Sound and light healing arts.
::Dot com and I know you're going to put that with the blog.
::But if you go on there, I do.
::Just for people who need it for you and need and just can get consistent.
::Every Wednesday morning I lead is called the be the light meditation where I take you through the process of mastering the ask and intend process to rid yourself of things or bring in new things or go to the future.
::Talk to your home. Whatever. I have like 300 YouTube videos out there and they're they all are labeled with the topic. So I'll tell you what that.
::Be the light and sore is that template.
::This template of new organizational sounding authentic resonance.
::That's what sore means.
::And the Queens caravan tours?
::I I I do.
::I do fun little videos when I meet people and visit.
::OK, here's the good one.
::I make the intention to make a difference, so I go to Washington, DC with my brother and his wife because their daughter works there, head legislative aide, but we get separated and I'm standing there and next to me, streaming by is every senator of the United States.
::So I'm going ohh.
::I ask and intend that they use hold a high vibration.
::The high it's good for everyone.
::Here goes Lindsey Graham right next to me, there's Bernie.
::I ended up in the strangest corner all by mistake.
::Oh no, it gets better.
::We're in the capital Rotunda and there is the foremost win for President.
::And he's standing there with a bunch of people, looks bored, and I go like this.
::He breaks from his group, comes over and says, hey, you got a camera.
::Let's do some selfies.
::It's my camera.
::And we do selfies.
::And I'm like, in a state of shock.
::And then I said, I can't wait to tell my grandson.
::And he says, what's your grandson's name? So he says, hi, Collie, your grandma really rocks. I want you to know, and I turn around to my brother and I go.
::I just got filmed with Cory Booker and you talked to Kelly and my brother and his teacher.
::School teacher wife were looking at the ceiling, the whole.
::And so they're like you.
::And I showed him the video.
::So I made the intention.
::And I have this video with.
::He saw and felt my intention, and then we went to the Senate and he happened to be in charge, sitting up in the front with the microphone calling on people.
::He looks up and he waves at me and I look around like, oh, come on, are you kidding? And my sister-in-law says, I think he's waving at you.
::So anyway, he waves again bigger and I wave and he went like this.
::And I'm like my sister-in-law who had just gone to the course with me, she says. Jan, I totally get.
::I totally get now what you're about.
::You are creating your reality, she said.
::The senators coming through and she said, do you do it all so?
::Well, because I don't overthink it.
::Those things were not.
::Planned I let spirit orchestrate those synchronous.
::There's probably some synchronicity in there between you two that maybe you're not aware of, or maybe he's.
::Not aware of that.
::Allowed for the connection.
::It's like maybe somebody you know you knew in a different life or from a different place that your souls connected.
::He is your life.
::Recognize each other.
::Yeah, they recognize each other and.
::On the same team.
::Yeah, I mean, it was just a delightful.
::It was just so delightful.
::Well, Jen, thank you so much for spending this time with us and sharing all about the important work you're doing.
::And it's been our pleasure having you here.
::Well, I'm so thrilled we have this time together.
::And who knows, maybe our caravans will meet up some.
::You're up in Washington.
::I'm going up there this.
::My sister lives up in.
::Feel free to stop in.
::We have plenty of property here in the water and guest room would be lovely to have you too.
::That's awesome. Thank you.