Episode 125

Published on:

14th Feb 2025

Resilience and Mindset: Turning Setbacks into Triumphs with Bonnie Hardie

In this powerful episode, we sit down with Bonnie Hardie, a life empowerment coach with a focus on mental health, mindset, and motivation. Despite facing extraordinary challenges, including homelessness, Bonnie shares how she reframes negatives into positives and inspires others to embrace gratitude and resilience. Discover her journey, her vision to become a digital nomad and motivational speaker, and the lessons she's learned about trust, self-reliance, and staying connected to one's purpose. Bonnie's story will motivate you to appreciate life’s blessings and see the possibilities in every obstacle.

Join us for this inspiring conversation that reminds us all to find happiness within and spread kindness to others. Don't miss Bonnie’s actionable tips for mindset shifts and her unique coaching offerings designed to help you thrive.

You can reach out to Bonnie on Facebook: Facebook

You can find her on substack:

and you can email her directly at bonniehardie@yahoo.com

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Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Hi and welcome to the You world order, showcase. Podcast I'm your host, Jill Hart. And with us today is bonnie bonnie is a life. Empowerment coach she is.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I'll



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: With an emphasis on mental health, mindset and motivation. Her mission is to help people be happy with themselves, that they're nice to others. Welcome to the show, bonnie.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: Thank you, Joe. Thank you for having me and welcome to everybody, and Hi! And I hope everybody's having a great day right now.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Awesome. Your story is a little different than most people's that I have on my podcast so why don't you go ahead and share with us



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: who you are, what you're doing and how you're doing it.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: Okay. Well, my name is Bonnie Hardy. I am the owner of Bonnie Hardy coaching, and, like Jill said, I'm a life enhancement coach with an emphasis on mindset, mental health motivation. I currently live in Santa Florida. One of my main goals for next year is to be a digital nomad and inspirational motivational speaker, and I also want to be able to travel internationally.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: I have friends all over the world. I want to write a book about my life what I what I have been going going through. And I'm just ready to I really just want people to like you said be happy with themselves. So they're happy with others, for for sure.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So your situation is a little different than most people's.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You want to expand on that a little bit.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: Yeah. My, my situation is currently I am homeless. I do sleep on concrete every night, and I'm 60 years old, and I have osteoarthritis of both knees. So that's not very easy for me to be getting up and down.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: I do. I am able to spend the day in a cafe in inside, and I am able to have access to a bathroom, a microwave I can use for a couple minutes and get something to drink, and then at night I go to a different restaurant, and I like, I said. I lay down on concrete, and I sleep. I don't sleep very well. I very rarely sleep more than maybe 90 min at a time. I wake up multiple times per night because there's a lot of



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: cars are very close to a hospital. So there's always ambulances, fire trucks, police cars going by, and



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: it's not. It's not the best life, but I'm making the best. I'm doing the best that I can can that I can with what I have right now. And I am getting up early every day. I'm on podcasts, i'm on summits. I reach out to people all the time. I've written articles and magazines, and I'm just



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: you don't want people to, you know, reframe their negatives into positives. I mean, it's terrible that I'm homeless, and I'm sleeping outside every night. However, to turn that more into a positive I am outside getting fresh air. Get to look at the moon and the stars learning about astronomy, and I can usually tell about what time it is when I wake up by where the moon is. I don't even always have to look at my watch, so I can actually watch the moon kind of go from one side to the other side, you know, which is kind of interesting. And I



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: I just want to, you know, to show people that you know you woke up this morning. So be grateful for that.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: Don't be complaining about every little tiny thing of the traffic is too long, and people taking a long time to get your your food ready, or something like that.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: Try to reframe your negatives into positives and start just being happy. It's holidays are coming up. As of us recording this. It was like a week before Thanksgiving. Then it's gonna be Christmas. Then we're going to be 2025. And I I just want everybody to say, Hey, you know, be with your family, be with your friends, be happy for the holidays, and yes, I am homeless, but that doesn't define me. That's just one small part of me, and it's it's not easy, however



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: it is. It's teaching me a lesson.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: It's teaching me to be be as grateful as I can for things, and and I and I help others as much as I can. And I try to show people that this could happen to anybody. I'm not a drug addict. I'm not an alcoholic.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: A lot of crazy things happened that came together for me to be homeless. Part of that was trusting the wrong person, and I've learned to never put all your trust and faith into one person because they could change at any time. So you need to always rely on yourself.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: and I'm not asking for a handout. I'm asking for a hand up.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: and people have offered it, and I've gone and and done the best I can with what I have.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: and I'm I'm doing as good as I can be, and my mental health is I deal with anxiety. I deal with



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: depression. I deal with Ptsd, so I'm always like on a swivel. Looking around. I you know I'm



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: I'm exhausted most of the time. I'm hungry a lot. I'm in pain a lot, and I've got a lot of things, and I could be very down and depressed and crying in a corner, and that's happened a lot, and I do cry myself to sleep most nights.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: However, the daytime I just put on my happy face, and I smile, and I reach out and I help others. And as a life enhancement coach.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: I want to show other people. It's not really your circumstances. It's how you react to them. And it's you. And if you're going to be smiling, helping other people, people are going to want to smile and help you back, you know. So that's my that's my goal is to just.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: You know I have people smile. I want to enhance your life. That's why I'm a life enhancement coach. I want to enhance your life. So you're happy with what you have in your life.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah. And it's such a different perspective. You know, we.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: we tend to think that you have to have a house or a trailer, or even a tiny home these days. It's like, or even a tent, I mean.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: But you don't, you can we? We didn't all start out living in dwellings.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: We we were living nomadic lives, and we traveled around, and we did sleep out under the stars, and or, you know.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: in a sheltered place. But you know, outside



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: it, it. It really brings you closer in some ways to creation, and whether you believe



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Source or God, or I think most people believe that there's something that



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: orchestrated all of this to be what it is. It so it



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: being being part of that rather than being inside, gives you a perspective. That's that's unique.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I've often thought that the invention of electricity



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: has pulled people away from nature.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: Definitely definitely and just being attached to your phone all the time. And yeah, I want to be able to travel. And, you know, stay in hostels, hotels, Airbnbs



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: and I really have a goal of going up and down the east coast of the United States. I want to visit every State. It might be kind of hard to visit Alaska and Hawaii. I'll have to figure something out with that. But but do the continuous 48 States visit the national parks



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: and the presidential museums, and and do what I want to do



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: as long as I have a Wi-fi connection to connect with clients and friends or family.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: That's the most important thing, and I don't want to be constantly hooked up to



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: looking at stuff through my phone instead of looking at stuff there, because I've seen people that you know their weddings, their sporting events, and they're taking pictures of video of it. They're not looking at it through their own through their own eyes. That's like you gotta you know, other people are gonna be taking pictures of video. You can look at that later. But when you're at it, when you're at somebody's wedding, you need to actually be paying attention, not be clicking on your phone for sure.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Yeah, for sure. Is there moments that you can't?



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: You can't get back, you know, and when you miss them they're gone.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: Yeah, definitely for sure that they're gone. And you're not. Gonna and it's a lot different looking at it. There's, you know, somebody else's video. Would you want to be there? And you have the whole memories in your mind, and the memories in your mind are more important than you know. The the videos and pictures that you have on your phone. And then my opinion.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So what do you want the rest of your life to look like.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: Well, I want the rest of my life to look like I want people to be inspired and motivated by me. I want people to look at me and say, man, Bonnie's gone through a lot of stuff, and she's still smiling.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: I want people to say, Hey, you know, I want that life of being able to to go and and visit different places, and to just.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: you know, follow the stars, follow the sun, follow the moon whatever, and not be tied down to one spot. And you know, if I want to spend the the summer in the South and the winter in the north. I'll do that. But I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna I wanna. I don't want to be too close to to the north in the wintertime, because I'm not. I'm a Florida girl, so it gets too cool for me. But I want to just be able to travel and and see. You know the world, and



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: I've got speaking opportunities over in England next year that I'm going to try to be able to make and stuff like that. And I just want to be on top of people's mind when they're looking for somebody who's an expert in mindset.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: you know, because I have like this little meme for mindset using the 1st letters of the word mindset. It's mindset is knowledge. During setbacks everything is terrific.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: Again, mindset is knowledge. During setbacks everything is terrific, even though things aren't going totally great. Now, they're going to get better. You're gonna appreciate it. And I just want my life to be a digital nomad, inspirational motivational speaker, and have people say I knew you went. And now look at you. Now, look how you're thriving and you're surviving, and you're really getting it going on. You know I like when people say you really motivate and inspired me. That makes me feel really good. People do that.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: That's amazing. That's amazing. So do you feel like you're fulfilling your destiny?



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: Kind of shorter



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: I mean it's it's it's better than that. I am homeless, and I'm totally by myself. I have no significant other. I have no kids. I have no pets. So I'm I'm not



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: burning anybody else because some people there's whole families that are homeless actually met a family last night 2 adults and 2 kids who just got kicked out of where they were living. So they're homeless. They were



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: trying to find a place to even sleep for the night. So



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: I am kind of fulfilling a destiny, and the fact that I am motivating others worldwide.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: and they see that I've got things going on, and I'm still, you know, being cool, reaching out to people. So I think I'm fulfilling that part of my destiny. I'm just having a couple of little roadblocks on the way, you know, for to fulfilling everything that I want to desire, you know.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: I totally hear you. So how do people work with you?



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: They can contact me through Facebook. And I have a couple of different programs. I have just if you want to just talk to me for 1 h. Get 1 h, one on one coaching call.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: We can do that. That's a hundred $50. We'll talk about



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: anything that you want to talk about. You need help with your mindset, your motivation. You want. You want me to show you how to put ebooks on Lulu. You want me to help you get on podcasts. We can do that.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: I have a 3 month coaching program called Phoenix Rising reset, renew, restore.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: And that's technically, it's 90 days. I sometimes say 3 months. Technically, it's 90 days, and that's 1 on one coaching with me again, we'll decide what your your main goals are. We'll break that down into smaller goals, and I can help you with, you know, life, business, productivity mindset all that. And I just actually yesterday I posted something up. I'm looking for one person for a unicorn to work with me, one on one for one year.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: and we can really totally transform your life and



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: but mainly I have just my



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: my power hour coaching calls. You want something short and quick, and then my 90 day program. And if you do the power hour coaching call. And then you want to go into the 90 day program. I'll take the $150 off of the 90 day program, which is 1997 for 90 days of working totally one on one me about whatever you want to work on.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Awesome, awesome. So you're also developing a sub stack account.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: Yes, I'm developing a sub stack account. I will. I will be writing more about. My life behind the scenes. What I go through on a on a regular basis, and subscribers can can



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: kind of know what it's really like, you know, to be me and see what I really do go through, because there's stuff I probably won't be putting on Facebook. I'll put it on substack. I'll let you know. I'll probably I'll work on setting up a set schedule. So everybody knows when I'm going to be writing on that



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: subscribers can get the inside news. They can, you know, ask me questions about what if they have any advice for me? Then give me advice. They have any anything they want to ask me that they can show to other people, because I'm sure everybody, every single person knows somebody who's homeless.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: and you I you can give them advice on how to how to help them. Sometimes it's not just as much



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: giving them like food, or something that is very important and with over their head. But it's just like understanding. Just ask them in a nice way, if I think you're you're gonna be using what I say against me, then I'm not going to be forthcoming, but just



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: be be nice. Be supportive. Just how are you? Do you need anything today? Just somebody checking in on you, saying, I hope you're okay. I hope you had a great night last night. That means a lot to a lot of people, because I, personally probably message 25 to 30 people every day, just seeing how they're doing saying, you know, I hope you're okay, and I'm real specific.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: And I saw this picture of the of your dog. He looks happy, you know things like that. Just check in on people. See how they're doing to know that people care that that's the most important. People want to know that other people care about them. So that's that's my mission to help people know to care about other people. That's 1 of my missions. I have a lot of missions, but one of them is just to know, to know that people really cared for and stuff like that, you know.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: For sure, for sure.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: So, bonnie, this has been an enlightening conversation.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: What is the one thing you hope the audience takes away from our discussion today?



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: I hope they take away to not judge people who aren't in the same position as them, and you might have a really big house and a car and a lot of money. You may not be happy.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: I'm not like the happiest person I can be, but I am. I've had. I had somebody tell me I was the happiest homeless person they ever met. So I just really want people to take away from this to look out for your for your friends. See how your friends do now. It's a difficult time, because people are lonely for the holidays, and people don't know what to do. It's getting colder. And



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: you know I don't wanna see anybody like freezing and shivering and stuff. So



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: basically, my takeaway is, I want you to be happy with yourself, so you're happy with others. Check in on your friends, check in on your family, stay as positive as you can, and if you need any help, reach out to me and ask me anything you want to ask me, and I'll help you out as much as I can.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist: Awesome thanks for joining us today, bonnie.



Bonnie - Life Empowerment Coach: Thank you very much for having me, Jill. I really do appreciate. It's been a great time.

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The You World Order Showcase Podcast
Inspiring Conversations with Coaches Transforming Lives and the World—Practical Tools for Personal Growth and Positive Change
Featuring life, health & transformation coaches being the change they want to seek in the world! Listen in as they share what they are doing to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place for us all as they navigate the journey between coach and entrepreneur. And share their expertise to make your life better in the process.

Jill Hart - The Coach's Alchemist &
Host, You World Order Showcase Podcast
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Jill Hart

The Coach's Alchemist is dedicated to empowering life, health and transformational coaches being the change they want to see in the world.